Academic (Postdoc, PhD, and Master's) positions available for Tor-related research

As more anonymous communications and PETs researchers join the academic ranks, there is an increasing availability of Tor-related research positions at the postdoctoral, PhD, and Master's levels. (Note: we prefer the term "training of Highly Qualified Personnel" to "pyramid scheme".)
Steven Murdoch (at Cambridge) and I (at Waterloo) each have some such positions available. See information and links below.
- Ian
PhD position at Cambridge
Funding is available for a PhD student to work at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, on the topic of privacy enhancing technologies and anonymous communications, starting in April 2012.
The sponsorship is jointly provided by Microsoft Research Cambridge and under the Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards scheme. As such, applicants must be nationals from India, China, Hong Kong, South Africa, Brazil, Russia or countries in the developing world as defined by the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD.
The application deadline is soon (28 October 2011), so please circulate this advertisement to anyone who you think might find it of interest.
Further details can be found on the University website, and enquiries should be sent to <>.
PhD and Master's positions at Waterloo
One of the particular focuses of the Cryptography, Security, and Privacy (CrySP) group at the University of Waterloo is research into privacy-enhancing technologies and anonymous communication networks. We have much ongoing work on Tor, with an eye to improving its security, privacy, scalability, and performance.
Students interested in applying for PhD and Master's research positions in the CrySP group should email Ian Goldberg <> with "Tor research position" in the subject line.
Postdoc position at Waterloo
The Cryptography, Security, and Privacy (CrySP) research group at the University of Waterloo is seeking applications for a postdoctoral research position in the field of privacy-enhancing technologies, preferably on the topic of privacy-preserving communications systems. This position will be held in the Cheriton School of Computer Science.
Applicants must hold a PhD in a related field, and should have a proven research record, as demonstrated by publications in top security and privacy venues (such as Oakland, CCS, USENIX Security, and NDSS) and/or top venues specific to privacy-enhancing technologies (such as PETS).
The start date of the position is negotiable. The position may be for one or two years.
Applicants should submit a CV, a research plan, two or three selected papers, and the names and contact information of three references.
For further information about the position, or to apply, please send email to Ian Goldberg <> with "Postdoctoral position" in the subject line. Applications may be considered as they arrive.
See for more information.
Please note that the comment area below has been archived.
Please help chinese people.
Please help chinese people. we can't connect to Tor for about 2 weeks
So what are the requirements
So what are the requirements for the Waterloo positions? A+ GPA?
While that would of course
While that would of course help, it's not a strict requirement. Strong letters of recommendation are as important as grades.
Can I apply the position in
Can I apply the position in Cambridge and Waterloo at the same time?
That will be fine from
That will be fine from Cambridge's perspective, but I can't comment about Waterloo. At a later stage of the process you will be asked to say which other positions you are applying to, but that is not needed for the first stage.
How many students have
How many students have contacted you about this Tor research position in Cambridge so far( I mean how many students I will compete with if I apply for pursuing the PhD degree in Cambridge)?
There have been plenty of
There have been plenty of applications, but most haven't included all the material requested in the advert. I'd guess that less than 10 actually are valid applications.
If we sent all the material
If we sent all the material including CV, Transcript, RP, and we got declined by University of Cambridge finally, will you notify us the result?
I'm still working on sending
I'm still working on sending acknowledgements, but yes you'll get notified one way or another by the 4th of November.
I sent my application
I sent my application material in hurry once I have completed my draft in case that I won't miss the deadline. I am a little worried about the some grammar and editing error in my CV and Research Plan, do these errors have some negative impact on my application?
what does this sentence
what does this sentence means:
Note: we prefer the term "training of Highly Qualified Personnel" to "pyramid scheme"
we do not understand it. could you explain it to us?
I sent my documents to Prof.
I sent my documents to Prof. Ian Goldberg on October 28th but I have not gotten any reply. Would you please let me know that in case of rejection you inform the sender or just ignore it?