September 2011 Progress Report

by phobos | October 9, 2011

In September 2011 we made progress in a number of areas, such as handling issues in Iran's use of DPI to block tor, new versions of Tor, Tails 0.8 release, and more.

The PDF and plaintext versions of the report can be found attached to this blog post or at our monthly report archive:…



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October 09, 2011


I'm from Iran

Thank you all for your hard work and efforts , We really appreciate your help and we won't forget it


tak jak w iranie jest podobnie w europie i na calym swiecie
despocja wszedzie szczerzy swoje kly
machiavelli pisal o tym w "ksieciu" a monteskiusz w "o duchu praw"

i jak widac tylko srodki zabijania zwiekszyly swa wydajnosc
oraz dyktatorzy swoja bezkarnosc