Torsocks 1.2 Released

by mwenge | October 29, 2011

I'm happy to announce the release of Torsocks 1.2.

Torsocks is an application for Linux, BSD and Mac OSX that allows you to use network applications such as ssh and irssi with Tor.

A quick guide to using Torsocks and an overview of its compatibility with a variety of popular applications is available at the project's home page.

The focus for this release was to add a test suite, clean up the source code, simplify the build, compile on more versions of BSD, and add a few new defences that make it harder for users to leak information that might compromise their anonymity.

Full details of the changes are available in the release change log.

If you don't want to wait until your distribution packages the latest version of torsocks, you can download the source from the project home page. If you find any problems with Torsocks please don't be shy about opening a bug.

Many thanks to Anthony Basile and the mysterious '' for their substantial contribution to this release.

- Robert


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October 29, 2011


Hi Robert

I'm on the presentation of Eric filol, at h2hc in Sao Paulo , Brazil.

They pretty much said what you commented before.

And they try to compromise the aes modes that could control the iv and the message key. And to flood the good nodes to force the traffic.

Well I missed the final part, but the slides will be on the site.

