Boston Tor Hackers: Join us Sunday September 19th
We're holding a Tor hackfest this Sunday, the 19th. Tor's Chief Architect, Nick Mathewson, will be explaining Tor's goals and what the project has been up to lately, and then we'll pick a few day-sized projects to work on together with his help.
We'll be meeting at 2pm in the new Media Lab building (E14), room 240, thanks to the Center for Future Civic Media at MIT. Since the building is closed on Sundays, please e-mail before Sunday to get a phone number to use to be let in. We're hoping to provide pizza and drinks, and we'll finish up and move to Grendel's Den around 9pm.
Please attend if you have some programming experience and are interested in Tor, or are willing to be persuaded to entertain an interest. :) Tor's a small project (in terms of number of developers) that could really use your help.
Please RSVP if you can make it. Hope to see you on Sunday!
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How did it go? Did many
How did it go? Did many people join the group? And, most importantly, what kind of pizza? ;-)
Niestety, ale TOR nie dziala
Niestety, ale TOR nie dziala pod Win7 x64. Ciagle komunikaty - o braku synchronizacji zegara, jest blednie zwracany adres IP od ISP to nie pozwala na logowanie sie na niektore konta. Pod Vista x32 wszystko bylo O.K. Niestety musialem zrezygnowac z uzycia TOR'a.