Posts in category onion services

V3 onion services usage

by ggus | September 21, 2021

With the deprecation of V2 onion services right around the corner, it is a good time to talk about V3 onion services. This post will discuss the most important privacy improvements provided by V3 onion services as well as their limitations. Aware of those limitations, our research group at the Institute of Network and Security at JKU Linz conducted an experiment that extracts information about how V3 onion services are being used from the Tor network.

Onionize your Workflow with the Onion Guide Fanzine

by gaba | March 27, 2021

One way we help human rights defenders and organizations take back their right to privacy online is by helping them to use and set up onion services. Last year, thanks to the support of Digital Defenders Partnership, we wrote a series of Onion Guides intended to make it easier for our partners to correctly and safely set up their own onion services.

Get a TLS certificate for your onion site

by isabela | March 24, 2021

We are happy to share the news of another important milestone for .onion services! You can now get DV certificates for your v3 onion site using HARICA, a Root CA Operator founded by Academic Network (GUnet), a civil society nonprofit from Greece.