Isaac Mao elected as one of our new directors

by arma | February 21, 2008

In Tor's annual board meeting in January, we added Isaac Mao to our board of directors. Isaac is a well-known blogger, especially among the Chinese blogging community, and adding him is the first part of our push to make the Tor board (and The Tor Project in general) more international in scope and awareness.

Isaac will take over Rebecca McKinnon's spot on the board, though Rebecca is planning to stick around and continue helping with advice about how to interact with the media and Tor's role in society, especially in Asia. Isaac has a lot of ideas about how to make Tor easier to use and how to get the word out to all the different groups that need it. We're looking forward to working with him!


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March 06, 2008


Im really sorry to bother you with this, but i have a question about a running process called "tor" and by the user "nobody" on my Mac and i dont know where to ask it. Could you point me out to a forum with people tor savy?

thank you in advance and congratulations on the blog =)

August 12, 2008


very nice isaac .
thanks all.

June 12, 2009



i wish all my best for your new responsability and a big congratulations....

Take care