Help make a Tor Q&A page happen

We have been discussing setting up a Q&A page for a while now and have finally proposed a Stack Exchange page for Tor.
The detailed version about how we go from a proposal to a live page can be found in this FAQ, but here is a quick summary:
A user proposes a new page, other users follow said page, and users create and vote on hypothetical questions. Each user can only ask 5 questions and vote on other questions. Once the page reaches enough followers and questions with a high score, the page moves into the "Commit" phase. A small number of users will need to commit to help building the site. Once that's done, the page goes live and is considered to be in "Beta".
The proposal is currently in a "Definition" phase. To move to the next phase, we need (1) a high number of followers of the page, and (2) a collection of good, relevant questions.
If you want to help our Stack Exchange page happen, sign up on Stack Exchange, follow our proposal page, ask 5 questions, and vote on other questions.
Please note that the comment area below has been archived.
This is a great idea!
This is a great idea!
Agree. We have to stop
We have to stop talking to each other and focus on users interested in anonymity and circumvention that we *don't* know. Too much of the LibTech scene and beyond just wants to focus on themselves and small selective groups of "their" dissidents.
Set the tone Tor. What you do matters.
Page is not HTTPS encrypted. Can we safely register, login, post on an ordina http site with Tor?
What about sniffing, injecting, evil exit nodes?
Even if disabling JavaScript would render such risks negligible, "StackExchange works best with JavaScript enabled. Please enable JavaScript..."
Also, weren't you going to collaborate with Tails at AskBot? What happened to that idea?
Please address this! And
Please address this!
And what indeed happened to
I was going to ask why it seems to have been abandoned but then I realized that I can't recall you ever even announcing it in the first place.
They short answer is that
They short answer is that they're working on it:…. You can safely register on the main Stack Exchange page, but you will be sending your username and password in the clear if you use Area 51 (unless you feel like logging on with one of the other options they have there).
It looks like this new page
It looks like this new page has generated a lot of interest already!
I've signed up to the
I've signed up to the proposal page. Stack Exchange would make an excellent place for all Torists & a fantastic way to share our knowledge to a wider audience.
I doubt the Tor Q&A page
I doubt the Tor Q&A page will take off, seeing that Tor has not seriously implemented a forum for its users since the day TBB was available for download.
However, if and when it does launch, could Tor create separate pages for Chinese, Korean, Arabic and Farsi speakers. They are the most oppressed and internet censorship is widespread in their countries.
For starters, could Tor approach the staff of the following websites for help in recruiting native Chinese speakers to translate Tor's official website into Mandarin Chinese? They are:
The abovenamed sites are run by Chinese dissidents who have fled China and settled in the USA.
I'd love to answer
I'd love to answer questions. I've been a Tor user and relay owner since Tor's beginnings.
IMO this idea is stupid.
IMO this idea is stupid. Fine, create your Q&A board, but if you're not going to give us a real forum after all of these years, someone with extra pocket change should create an unofficial forum dedicated to Tor and Tor related projects.
Tails' forum was terrible, it was more wiki than forum.
A majority of the people will not have the patience and/or skills to participate in a mailing list.
Voting on questions is stupid, votes, like poker decks can be stacked.
A real discussion forum is a better idea, where the community can discuss issues with each other, not hope their question comes up as a winner, this shouldn't be a Q&A roulette.
So, anyone up for creating real community forums?
I share your concerns about
I share your concerns about voting and your desire for an actual forum.
Tor Talk
Tor Talk Archives:
Anyone else creeped-out by how many Gmail addresses are being used there?
I'm not. Why would anyone be
I'm not. Why would anyone be creeped out by that?
Where have you been for the
Where have you been for the past decade or so?
Given Google's record, attitude and whole model when it comes to privacy, why would anyone committed to the principles at the core of Tor want to use Gmail?
WARNING! ********************
Works for me :)
Works for me :)
Same error !!! I can't
Same error !!!
I can't connect to facebook with TOR
Same issue yesterday. Today
Same issue yesterday. Today it tells me the server is redirecting me in such a way that the connection will never be made. If I keep trying a new identity I can get in but then I get logged off.
I'm getting this a lot
I'm getting this a lot too:
Access Restricted (Bad IP)
You are trying to access Facebook from an IP (Internet Protocol) address that's associated with a misconfigured ISP (Internet Service Provider) or abusive behavior. If you think this is an error, please tell us more.
Your email
Please explain why you think this is an error
Are you using a proxy?
I don't know
Thanks for taking the time to submit a report. While we don't reply to every report, we may contact you for more details as we investigate.
yes i am having the same
yes i am having the same problem, it might work for a couple of minutes and then i guess it learns the new node and blocks it!
yes facebook has banned
yes facebook has banned access from all tor nodes!
I confim. It seems that this
I confim. It seems that this is close to the way Google tries to block TOR too.
Is there any official
Is there any official confirmation/denial/reaction from TOR about this issue?
Why is this a warning?
Why is this a warning? Facebook block IPs that they think are the source of missuse. Google does the same. There is nothing specific related to Tor about this blocking.
Same problem here, some time
Same problem here, some time change identity help for a while.
It happens to me the
It happens to me the same...
Whats will be the solution?...
Will this stack exchange Q&A
Will this stack exchange Q&A site support anonymous questions/answers? If not, will it be easy to create throw away identities?
I hope it doesn't require e-mail addresses, because it seems very hard to register many e-mail addresses securely over Tor today.
for this reason any attempt
for this reason any attempt to use the TOR from iran is unabled?!
i can't believe that
i can't believe that facebook use this method... there's chaptcha or other sistem... from the office how i can connect on facebook now... help!!!
Forum +1 I have been using
Forum +1
I have been using various Linux forums and auto/rv/home repair forums for years.
Forums are so easy to use. Quick, clean and well ordered.
Forums are the commons or coffee house for this era. They foster community.
I have been trying to…
I have been trying to install tor in kali linux but it is given this error message "TOR Browser: Wrong Architecture: 32-bit vs. 64-bit". So it is not opening, please how do I connect it?
You need to download the…
You need to download the bundle for the correct architecture of your machine. For Linux we offer 32bit and 64bit versions. See: There you'll see a 64bit version download link first and the 32bit one below. Choose the one that matches the one of your machine.