JOIN US - Tor Project Boston Hack Day Event - March 20, 2013 - Hosted by Boston University's Department of Computer Science

Join us for a unique public hack day event where you will have an opportunity to work in a highly collaborative, interactive environment with Tor's team of technology and research experts. Topics for the day will be determined by the attendees; so bring your ideas, questions, projects and technical expertise with you! Continental breakfast will be provided.
Wednesday, March 20, 2012
9 am until 5 pm
BU Computer Science Dept, 111 Cummington Mall, Boston, MA - ROOM 148
Hosted by Boston University's Department of Computer Science
For more information or questions contact,
Please note that the comment area below has been archived.
i want join with u
i want join with u
Hi My antivirus software
My antivirus software ("tor-flashproxy-pyobfsproxy-browser-2.4.7-alpha-1_en-US.exe") detects viruses, what to do?
antivirus : emsisoft
Description of warning : Riskware.NetTool.Win32.Tor.AMN (A)
riskware is a way of saying
riskware is a way of saying "if you're doing nothing wrong, you don't need this application" ;)
How do I post a new blog on
How do I post a new blog on
"How do I post a new blog on
"How do I post a new blog on"
same question here. We are community or what? I don't use email for instance so I can't use mailing list. Please make the community platform for us to make even bigger bubbles around Tor style of life so they would try to ban Tor without a success and all would be like in old Internet that trackers wall would fall because all would be so Tor'ish that it would be a bad etiquette to track. So it would be a foolish behavior. Let's start the Tor Democracy reign and headquarters we need! TOR
iran blok tor :(
iran blok tor :(
i want to join
i want to join
What countries block Tor an
What countries block Tor an how can I fix that? I want to reach chinese, Iranians, and any other sequestered nation that has a need for anything. Freedom must ring!
Most of the censoring
Most of the censoring countries are listed here: