Lead Automation Engineer Job Posting

Tor is looking for a Lead QA/automation engineer!
We want to deploy nightly builds and continuous integration for as many of our key software components and platform combinations as possible. Your job would be build and deploy the initial functional versions of a wide range of testing frameworks and continuous integration systems.
This is a contract position. Candidates are expected to be capable of taking the lead in selecting, deploying, and maintaining multiple automation systems in several different programming languages.
Candidates should also be capable of reproducing bugs and writing new reproduction test cases for one or more of the testing frameworks. Eventually, we hope to add additional staff to assist in this project, but to start, you will be expected to prioritize your own work such that the most important tasks get attention first, without letting any specific core component starve for attention.
For more details, including information on how to apply, see the job posting:
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i'm sorry to post here, but
i'm sorry to post here, but i can't connect to onion sites from 2 days.
i've downloaded a new program but it still don't work.
i,ve cheked torbutton, proxy settings and everyting is fine.
torcc is at the default settings.
i've tryed more then one provider.
i got these errors:
XML Parsing Error: unexpected parser state
Location: jar:file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/Tor%20Browser/FirefoxPortable/App/Firefox/omni.ja!/chrome/toolkit/content/global/netError.xhtml
Line Number 308, Column 50: &netReset.longDesc;
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]
Table './1344_admin/phpbb_sessions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired [145]
An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists.
Please notify the board administrator or webmaster: admin@tormail.org
anyone got the same problem?
Actually, there seems to be
Actually, there seems to be a series of .onion related failures that have taken place over the past three days or so.
The initial failures included the loss of access to TORMAIL and a few other known-good onion sites ... some others, however, were accessible.
Attempts to configure BOTH non-exit Relays and Hidden Services over the past week have failed to function properly even though the setup parameters were known to be correct. Most of the errors relate to "incorrect Proxy" settings in or related to Firefox ... even though NO proxies were configured in TOR and Firefox was the stable, Default Tor-Bundle.