New Release: Tor Browser 10.0a1

Tor Browser 10.0a1 is now available from the Tor Browser Alpha download page and also from our distribution directory.
Note: This is an alpha release, an experimental version for users who want to help us test new features. For everyone else, we recommend downloading the latest stable release instead.
This release updates Firefox to 68.9.0esr, and HTTPS-Everywhere to 2020.5.20. In addition, Snowflake is now available for testing on Android.
This release also includes important security updates to Firefox.
The Windows installer is now code signed with a new Authenticode certificate. Please report any issues you encounter with this version.
The full changelog since Tor Browser 9.5a13 is:
- All Platforms
- Update Firefox to 68.9.0esr
- Update HTTPS-Everywhere to 2020.5.20
- Translations update
- Windows + OS X + Linux
- Linux
- Bug 34315: Avoid reading policies from /etc/firefox on Linux
- Android
- Build System
Please note that the comment area below has been archived.
Invalid string label [06-03…
Invalid string label
[06-03 04:04:14] Torbutton INFO: tor SOCKS:… via
Invalid string label
[06-03 04:04:15] Torbutton INFO: tor SOCKS:… via
When Tor Browser Alpha fails to download update, it offers to download stable version instead of new alpha.
EFF (Full): A new ruleset…
EFF (Full): A new ruleset bundle has been released, but it is older than the extension-bundled rulesets it replaces. Skipping. util.js:26:15
[Exception... "Favicon at …
[Exception... "Favicon at "…" failed to load: Not Found." nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm :: onStopRequest :: line 236" data: no] FaviconLoader.jsm:236:22
onStopRequest resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:236
[Exception... "Favicon at "…" failed to load: Not Found." nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm :: onStopRequest :: line 236" data: no] FaviconLoader.jsm:236:22
onStopRequest resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:236
[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x805e0006 [nsIChannel.asyncOpen]" nsresult: "0x805e0006 ()" location: "JS frame :: resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm :: load :: line 174" data: no] FaviconLoader.jsm:174:20
load resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:174
load resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:546
loadIcons resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:615
onPageShow resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:650
onHeadParsed resource:///actors/LinkHandlerChild.jsm:63
handleEvent resource:///actors/LinkHandlerChild.jsm:177
handleActorEvent resource://gre/modules/ActorManagerChild.jsm:153
handleActorEvent self-hosted:1047
Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at (“default-src”).
I wanna donate € tor is …
I wanna donate € tor is best
I donate every year too! It…
I donate every year too! It's a bit hidden, but here you go:
If nothing was fixed, don't…
If nothing was fixed, don't close that as fixed.
was seen not only on Linux boxes.
Hello! snowflake! snowflake!…
Hello! snowflake! snowflake! snowflake! - Could anybody explain to me What is this "snowflake"? i.e. In what scenarios I can get benefits with this "snowflake"???
Check this: https:/…
Check this:
Snowflake is anti-censorship. You can use it if your ISP blocks Tor connections. It is another option along with obfs4 and meek.
Here is how to use it. Just click Tor is censored in my country and then choose snowflake.
how to keep windows 10 from…
how to keep windows 10 from blocking Tor from opening
There were no problems.
There were no problems.
New NS 11.0.29: Invalid…
New NS 11.0.29:
Invalid header array: [{name:"server", value:"nginx/1.12.1"}, {name:"date", value:"Thu, 04 Jun 2020 10:42:59 GMT"}, {name:"content-type", value:"text/html; charset=UTF-8"}, {name:"vary", value:"Accept-Encoding"}, {name:"x-clacks-overhead", value:"GNU Terry Pratchett"}, {name:"x-content-type-options", value:"nosniff"}, {name:"x-xss-protection", value:"1; mode=block"}, {name:"strict-transport-security", value:"max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"}, {name:"content-encoding", value:"gzip"}, {name:"X-Firefox-Spdy", value:"h2"}, {name:"content-security-policy", value:"report-uri https://noscript-csp.invalid/__NoScript_Probe__/;media-src http:"}, (void 0)] WebRequest.jsm:111
applyChanges resource://gre/modules/WebRequest.jsm:111
applyChanges resource://gre/modules/WebRequest.jsm:985
AsyncFunctionNext self-hosted:839… via exit node
Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR
Reading about.
Reading about.
TOR 9.5 (based on Mozilla…
TOR 9.5 (based on Mozilla Firefox 68.9.0esr) (64-bit)
Suddenly my browser has a grey bars on the bottom and sides when it opens. Site doesn't matter. Resizing the window changes the size of the bar. The bars cycle through small to big and repeat it as you change window from smallest to biggest.…
Invalid header array: [{name…
Invalid header array: [{name:"content-type", value:"text/html; charset=UTF-8"}, {name:"content-length", value:"8345"}, {name:"content-encoding", value:"gzip"}, {name:"etag", value:"W/\"1591598385\""}, {name:"strict-transport-security", value:"max-age=15768000; preload"}, {name:"accept-ranges", value:"bytes"}, {name:"server", value:"nginx"}, {name:"date", value:"Mon, 08 Jun 2020 07:47:52 GMT"}, {name:"cache-control", value:"max-age=1800, public"}, {name:"content-language", value:"en"}, {name:"expires", value:"Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT"}, {name:"last-modified", value:"Mon, 08 Jun 2020 06:39:45 GMT"}, {name:"x-content-type-options", value:"nosniff"}, {name:"x-drupal-cache", value:"MISS"}, {name:"x-drupal-dynamic-cache", value:"MISS"}, {name:"x-frame-options", value:"SAMEORIGIN"}, {name:"x-generator", value:"Drupal 8 ("}, {name:"x-pantheon-styx-hostname", value:"styx-fe2-a-5bcd6cdfcc-xk895"}, {name:"x-styx-req-id", value:"d77a5541-a952-11ea-831c-920e8b421cab"}, {name:"x-ua-compatible", value:"IE=edge"}, {name:"x-xss-protection", value:"1; mode=block"}, {name:"x-cache", value:"HIT, HIT"}, {name:"x-cache-hits", value:"1, 1"}, {name:"x-timer", value:"S1591599379.609576,VS0,VE1"}, {name:"vary", value:"Accept-Encoding, Cookie, Cookie, Cookie"}, {name:"age", value:"993"}, {name:"via", value:"HTTP/2.0"}, {name:"x-cache-date", value:"Mon, 08 Jun 2020 06:56:18 GMT"}, {name:"x-cache-status", value:"HIT"}, {name:"X-Firefox-Spdy", value:"h2"}, {name:"content-security-policy", value:"report-uri https://noscript-csp.invalid/__NoScript_Probe__/;media-src http:"}, (void 0)] WebRequest.jsm:111
applyChanges resource://gre/modules/WebRequest.jsm:111
applyChanges resource://gre/modules/WebRequest.jsm:985
AsyncFunctionNext self-hosted:839
[06-08 11:03:00] Torbutton…
[06-08 11:03:00] Torbutton WARN: Version check failed! JSON parsing error: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected ',' or ']' after array element at line 19 column 1 of the JSON data
Thanks! We had a typo in the…
Thanks! We had a typo in the file.
I am not able to view any…
I am not able to view any webm videos saying "No video with supported format and MIME type found" and every download saying unknown time left
You may need additional…
You may need additional codecs installed on your computer. The error message may specify which codecs are needed, and you can usually find more information about how to install that by searching online.
No, it's a bug in #29120:…
No, it's a bug in #29120:
This could be a cause of the…
This could be a cause of the download failing, but I don't see why it would cause a failure in detecting support for the media type.
I've run into this problem…
I've run into this problem too. Specifically, on, sometimes the video stops mid-stream, and it shows the MIME type error. When downloading (save video as...), the download will sometimes fail part way through, and the resulting media file shows the correct duration, but the video freezes at the point the download failed. This is on 9.5 and 9.0.10.
I think the server (or Firefox) attempts to automatically downgrade to a lower-quality format when it detects too much buffering. This sometimes results in the MIME type error. Maybe it could be downgrading from MP4 to webm, or from one codec to another, and not just a lower resolution? Could there be something wrong with the Accept: header? I've noticed with JS disabled, it sometimes causes the video to start over at the beginning in lower quality, presumably because there is no JS to seek to the right time in the video. Presumably this means the particular video is available in a lower-res format that happened to be supported, which might not always be the case? It doesn't seem to happen when you select the format and use the download button on invidious (instances where it's enabled), but I haven't tested it enough. I've also noticed it is much more likely to happen when you have the "proxy video" preference enabled on invidious, which is slower, and is enabled by default on some instances. You can probably reproduce it by watching some HD videos on invidious or other sites over a slow circuit.
I'm really not sure what we…
I'm really not sure what we should do with this. VirusTotal doesn't say *why* System.dll is detected as malicious.…
"2/72 Antivirus vendors marked dropped file "updater.exe" as malicious (classified as "" with 2% detection rate)"
"2/86 Antivirus vendors marked spawned process "firefox.exe" (PID: 3544) as malicious (classified as "Unsafe" with 2% detection rate)"
Fix bugs, no? "firefox.exe"…
Fix bugs, no?
"firefox.exe" allocated memory in "\REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-2092356043-4041700817-663127204-1001\Software\Microsoft\RestartManager\Session0000"
"firefox.exe" allocated memory in "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap"
CRC value set in PE header does not match actual value
"firefox.exe" wrote bytes "e739d777e1a6db772e71db77ee29db7785e2d6776da0db779064da773ad5e17726e4d677d16ddb77003dd977804bd97700000000ad371f778b2d1f77b6411f7700000000" to virtual address "0x75721000" (part of module "WSHIP6.DLL")
"firefox.exe" wrote bytes "fae6d677e1a6db772e71db77ee29db7785e2d6776da0db7726e4d677d16ddb77003dd977804bd97700000000ad371f778b2d1f77b6411f7700000000" to virtual address "0x75121000" (part of module "WSHTCPIP.DLL")
"firefox.exe" wrote bytes "c04ed9772054da77e065da77b538db770000000000d04c7700000000c5ea4c770000000088ea4c7700000000e968e9758228db77ee29db7700000000d269e975000000007dbb4c770000000009bee97500000000ba184c7700000000" to virtual address "0x77231000" (part of module "NSI.DLL")
"firefox.exe" wrote bytes "10990f7700000000b538db779051da7700000000e0c54c77fdfe4c77ee29db7700000000" to virtual address "0x6FED1000" (part of module "KSUSER.DLL")
"tor.exe" wrote bytes "c04ed9772054da77e065da77b538db770000000000d04c7700000000c5ea4c770000000088ea4c7700000000e968e9758228db77ee29db7700000000d269e975000000007dbb4c770000000009bee97500000000ba184c7700000000" to virtual address "0x77231000" (part of module "NSI.DLL")
What is this?
What is this?
Thank you for the new…
Thank you for the new version!
Is there a way to change the GUARD node from the browser in this new version?
Last few days Tor is so slow. So slow, it makes using Tor impractical.
When I press "New Circuit for this site" button, nodes change with the exception of (a Guard site in France). I suspect this node is the bottleneck. After pressing about 60 times, I was lucky to have another Guard node (in Germany) and I was able to have decent browsing. That lasted for a few minutes and I was back to the same French note.
How can I change guard node? How can I avoid a specific guard node? If there is no such facility please kindly consider providing it.
Thank you.
Unfortunately the browser…
Unfortunately the browser does not have a good interface for this. If you quit Tor Browser and delete the file named 'state' within the "Client's Configuration" directory as described on the following page, then you should get a new Guard node when you restart the browser. Please be aware, that Guard nodes are used for protecting you, so only change it when necessary.…
Thank you for your reply!
Thank you for your reply!
I used tor years ago and…
I used tor years ago and there was a software offered for windows users to become a relay. Why was this offering ended>? It seemed more simple to download the software and turn it on to make the relay go live. I have 50 to 100mb/second bandwith and will be on gigabit bandwidth soon. It would be easier to have that software again. can I use the old version from your downloads page?
I think you are describing…
I think you are describing the Windows Expert Bundle, yes?
I think it was a separate…
I think it was a separate app that ran independently of the tor browser. It was a relay only software. way more convenient to configure, You just turn it on, no adjustments were necessary,
Yes, you are describing the…
Yes, you are describing the Windows Expert bundle (except maybe with Vidalia).
I want to use firefox…
I want to use firefox screenshots in tor browser.
It's very useful.
Please enable it by default.
Are there any security or privacy problems?
I opened a ticket to track…
I opened a ticket to track this request:…
Is there an overall view in…
Is there an necessary overall view in this new like this?:
https://mixedreality.mozilla… is broken/empty in tbb.
Possibly due to webgl being…
Possibly due to webgl being blocked.
no one ever mentioned: how d…
no one ever mentioned: how d'u go from latest tor version 9 to tor 10 in only less than 24 hours?
Tor Browser versions…
Tor Browser versions increase by 0.5 between the "stable" series and the "alpha" series. In this case, the "stable" series moved from 9.0 to 9.5, and the alpha series moved from 9.5 to 10.0. Historically, Tor Browser versions ending with ".0" do not have many new Tor-specific features but they are based on a new Firefox ESR version (52esr, 60esr, 68esr). Tor Browser versions ending with ".5" usually include a few new Tor-specific features (or privacy protections). This pattern is mostly due to available developer time.