New Release: Tor Browser 10.5.3 (Android)

Tor Browser 10.5.3 is now available from the Tor Browser download page and also from our distribution directory.
This version updates Firefox to 90.1.1. This version includes important security updates to Firefox.
Tor Browser will stop supporting version 2 onion services later this year. Please see the previously published deprecation timeline. Migrate your services and update your bookmarks to version 3 onion services as soon as possible.
The full changelog since Tor Browser 10.5.1:
- Android
- Build System
- Android
- Bug 40312: Update components for mozilla90
- Android
Please note that the comment area below has been archived.
it is ver.10.5.3, why is…
it is ver.10.5.3, why is arch64-android TOR is still Do anyone bother to update it?
In my country obsf4 in not…
In my country obsf4 in not yet blocked .
From an anonymity perspective is it better to use snowflake or obsf4 or they are the same ?
I'm still on 10.0.18 from a…
I'm still on 10.0.18 from a month ago using the guardian project's F-droid repo. Is that normal? what is the recommended way to update tor browser on android?
Google Play offers Tor…
Google Play offers Tor Browser 10.5, but on F-Droid the latest available version is 10.0.18. When will 10.5 start to be distributed by the Guardian Project's F-Droid Repository?
Hello. I am trying to use…
Hello. I am trying to use the Whonix version of Tor Browser on Qubes, but I have noticed something weird. Tor is always choosing exit nodes on the same country. When I visit the Tor website, I am getting German exit nodes, and when I visit YouTube, I am getting Ukrainian nodes. Always. Was that supposed to be normal?
Hello Just would like to…
Just would like to warn you that the F-Droid Guardian Project Official Releases repository seems to not have provided the latest version of Tor Browser.
The Latest version available for Tor Browser is the version 10.5.3 on Android while on the F-Droid Repo the latest is 10.0.18.
Please fix that with them because it's a security risk to use an older version of Tor Browser and I didn't know there was a new version...
Thanks again for your great work :)
Ps: I use Foxy Droid if that matters ;)