New Release: Tor Browser 12.0.6

Tor Browser 12.0.6 is now available from the Tor Browser download page and also from our distribution directory.
This release updates Firefox to 102.11esr, including bug fixes, stability improvements and important security updates. There were no Android-specific security updates to backport from the Firefox 113 release.
Build-Signing Infrastructure Updates
We are in the process of updating our build signing infrastructure, and unfortunately are unable to ship code-signed 12.0.6 installers for Windows systems currently. Therefore we will not be providing full Window installers for this release. However, automatic build-to-build upgrades from 12.0.4 and 12.0.5 should continue to work as expected.
Send us your feedback
If you find a bug or have a suggestion for how we could improve this release, please let us know.
Full changelog
The full changelog since Tor Browser 12.0.5 is:
- All Platforms
- Updated Translations
- Updated Go to 11.9.9
- Bug tor-browser#41728: Pin domains to Let's Encrypt's root cert public key
- Bug tor-browser#41756: Rebase Tor Browser Stable to 102.11.0esr
- Windows + macOS + Linux
- Updated Firefox to 102.11esr
- Bug tor-browser#40501: High CPU load after tor exits unexpectedly
- Windows
- Bug tor-browser#41683: Disable the network process on Windows
- Android
- Updated GeckoView to 102.11esr
- Build System
- Windows + macOS + Linux
- Bug tor-browser#41730: Bridge lines in tools/torbrowser/bridges.js out of date
- macOS
- Bug tor-browser-build#40844: Fix DMG reproducibility problem on 12.0.5
- Windows + macOS + Linux
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