New Tor Browser Bundles

All of the stable Tor Browser Bundles have been updated with the latest Firefox 10.0.9esr release.
Further notes about Tor Browser Bundle updates:
Tor Browser Bundle (2.2.39-3)
- Update Firefox to 10.0.9esr
- Update Torbutton to
- Update NoScript to 2.5.7
- Update HTTPS Everywhere to 2.2.2
- Update libpng to 1.5.13
Please note that the comment area below has been archived.
The signature (asc) file for
The signature (asc) file for Tor expert bundle unstable version is invalid. Please look into it.
Sorry for being offtopic but
Sorry for being offtopic but I've been wondering, would it be bad, when it comes to browser fingerprint, to set "network.prefetch-next" to false in about:config?
Wouldn't it release significant bandwith to the network if done in aggregate?
I believe some bandwidth
I believe some bandwidth would be spared, but I always set it to false to improve privacy because of my experience with standard Firefox.
I don't use bookmarks but keep my links in my own "Start Page" / "Home Page" ("browser.startup.homepage") in a HTML file on local storage.
When starting first Wireshark then standard Firefox, I can see in the Wireshark logs that Firefox issues DNS reqests on all links in my HTML file. This is what happens in the background when surfing in order to speed up the user experience. The same type of burst of DNS reqests would be seen whenever a new page is loaded; Firefox speculates that it needs to resolve ALL links into IP numbers. This could be very bad for your privacy, depending on what page you stumbled upon. Your ISP would even see DNS reqests to sites you may never visit. In my case my ISP would see all the same DNS requests each time I start standard Firefox. This constitutes a trafficpattern that makes is easy to identify individuals. Therefore I always change "network.prefetch-next" to false, even if it slows down my surfing experience when I select a link on my "Start Page". (Although, when I surf without Tor the ISP always knows what IP I'm using, which is acceptable for me in some cases, but you may have other needs.)
When it comes to TorBrowser it's different. If the configuration isn't messed up (by yourself for instance), all these extraneous DNS requests would be handled by the Tor network. The privacy risk is reduced (as far as I understand).
But I still don't like this. I prefer to make as little noise on the net as possible, especially since "padding" with garbage to foil traffic analysis is ruled out in the Tor design document.
I would be in favour of having "network.prefetch-next" set to false in the default configuration of TorBrowser. This would reduce DNS requests on the Tor network, and I also believe it would improve privacy.
Please feel free to improve my understanding if you have a deeper insight into this subject, and share it with other Tor users.
I've long wondered the same
I've long wondered the same thing.
The prefetch function seems extremely wasteful of bandwidth to me.
where is 2.2.39-2? o_O
where is 2.2.39-2? o_O
i have one, brand new, never
i have one, brand new, never been used ... cheap! interested? (word is we're going from -1 to -3 'cuz of an upgraded .app wch would've released just after 39-2, so tp held off, synched stuff, and that's howcum -3)
It was skipped for some
It was skipped for some reason.
I just installed the latest
I just installed the latest Tor Bundle (2.2.39-3) on top of the latest WINE package, which I installed in Puppy Linux 528 (Lucid Puppy), and generally speaking most of my PortableApps that I use in WINE in Puppy do work, and in many cases better than the native Linux Puppy PETs. The TB is used as a PortableApp, and in the past I had no real problem with it, but when I installed the latest TBB (2.2.39-3), which I am using at this moment, and I go to to look up drug interactions, etc. it crashed twice. It crashed (closed down completely) when I clicked on a video (knowing that it would not work, but wanting to see the reaction), and the second time while I was just reading, and downloading pages for later. The second time, it happened when I was just reading some information on a page on,
Can you give me a reasonable explanation for what happened. I've been using Tor Bundles for a number of years, and this was the strangest things that has happened to me.
One more thing. On a separate subject, but while I'm thinking of it, have you ever used JonDo, and checked out how much less is picked up by web sites using their FF browser. When I used the Anonymity Test with the TB, a number of items were revealed that weren't revealed when using the JonDo Browser. JonDo's web site recommends Tor (using their FF browser), and offers it as an option, but also says that theirs (the JD network on Tor) is much more secure. JD free is slow, but the paid version, which is not too expensive, is much faster though the pay part for the States (finding an outlet that sells the coupons to pay anonymously online) is hard to find. I'm sorry to add this question, but I didn't know how else to get it in.
Also, any comment on Whois?
Thank you in advance.
Thanks for the great work on
Thanks for the great work on Tor!
Yeah, we don't have a release of 2.2.39-2, do we:)
Dear Tor developers, Same
Dear Tor developers,
Same list of bridges works with former 2.2.39-1 but not 2.2.39-3.
I've tried them one by one for several times on my Windows 7 in china.
Hope it's just network connection problems.
Thanks for the great work on Tor!
Just started using Tor
Just started using Tor Browser Bundles for Windows (10.0.7esr). It's great except that it doesn't remember my cookies exception settings. They're completely cleared/deleted when restarting. How do I prevent that? I can't seem to find anything that could fix the problem.
Just started using Tor
Just started using Tor Browser Bundles for Windows (10.0.7esr). It's great except that it doesn't remember my cookies exception settings. They're completely cleared/deleted when restarting. How do I prevent that? I can't seem to find anything that could fix the problem.
Tor, vidalia, and Tor
Tor, vidalia, and Tor browser exits abrubtly for me, every time i right click on embedded flash placeholders. Like f.ex. YouTube content. Just FYI.
TBB version 2.2.39-3 is very
TBB version 2.2.39-3 is very "instable"!! A lot of crash with a simple clic (right or left: it's the same) on links!! is not is not anonymized?!
I'm from Iran , the Tor is
I'm from Iran , the Tor is working ( since last night till now ) , I can't express how deeply I appreciate your work , Thank you guys!
plz visit this site
plz visit this site
I get that HTTPS-Everywhere
I get that HTTPS-Everywhere 2.2.* is considered stable, but so is 3.0.*
Any plans on when you are going to move on?
I'm getting continuous
I'm getting continuous crashes with the new Tor browser.
This happens when I log into a certain kind newspaper comment line. It never happened before with the last version of Tor and it happens everytime with the newest version on different websites when I try to post anonymously.
I'm a newbie and have copied the entire crash report. Don't want to post it here. It's really really long and may reveal me. I X'd out what I think is personal data. Hope this helps. Ask specific questions by asking for a line type and I'll try and oblige.
Here's some of the first lines:
Process: firefox-bin [6348]
Path: /Users/macbookpro/Desktop/
Identifier: org.mozilla.torbrowser
Version: 10.0.9 (10.0.9)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: Vidalia [6345]
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (XXXX)
Report Version: 6
Interval Since Last Report: 675643 sec
Crashes Since Last Report: 5
Per-App Interval Since Last Report: 19083 sec
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 5
Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:
Right click crashes firefox
Right click crashes firefox
Right click inside frames or
Right click inside frames or on videos crashes Firefox
The new tor is not working
The new tor is not working can you please fix it, Thanks
Browser crashes when I'm
Browser crashes when I'm clicking on some links! Anyone with similar problems?
I'm running the linux 64Bit Bundle.
Warning: the new release of
Warning: the new release of Tor Browser Bundle (2.2.39-3) crash if you (left or right) click on links like this:
Warning: the new release of
Warning: the new release of Tor Browser Bundle (2.2.39-3) crash if you are (for example) here:
and you (left or right) click on the links with the pictures at the bottom of the page (
There is something wrong
There is something wrong with this version, it keeps crashing, last night it worked for a couple of hours before it closed, tonight it worked for about 20 minutes before it disappeared on me again as if someone had just closed it.
Running on Win XP, or was.
Please fix it.
does this technique for
does this technique for detecting onion server's IP work?
should we be worried?
can you guys analyze this and post about it to clearify?
Dear Torproject Are you
Dear Torproject
Are you aware that Tor doesn`t work in Iran anymore?
Are there plans to issue a
Are there plans to issue a 64 bit version of Tor for Windows, or at least use a 64 bit version of Firefox?
Tor Browser Bundle
Tor Browser Bundle (2.2.39-3) browser tends to crash every now and then.
hey i keep getting Vidalia
hey i keep getting
Vidalia was unable to connect to Tor. (Insufficient access privileges.)
never had it before and nowhere to find how to solve it (hey how you get on ALL the pages of this page, exploder wont acces and chrome refuses, firefox i gues? :p
if my previous message ws
if my previous message ws posted im sorry, i meant its keep sayin this
warning from libevent evsig_init socketpair permission denied wsaeacces
how cn i solve this? i re-extracted and sutch but nope :s
I get a constant crash of
I get a constant crash of the latest Tor when visiting certain websites and trying to do the following:
Open news article, go to comment on it.
Write comment.
Hit "Post As"...this crashes Tor every single time. Here's part of the crash report: XXXX is personal information.
Process: firefox-bin [7458]
Path: /Users/XXXXXX /Desktop/
Identifier: org.mozilla.torbrowser
Version: 10.0.9 (10.0.9)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: Vidalia [7455]
Date/Time: 2012-XXXXXXXXX
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549)
Report Version: 6
Interval Since Last Report: XXXX sec
Crashes Since Last Report: 11
Per-App Interval Since Last Report: XXXXX sec
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 11
Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:
Multiple crashes, only thing that looks different to me is the Vidalia process, here are some more #'s from different crashes.
Parent Process: Vidalia [7124]
Parent Process: Vidalia [6345]
Thanks, I'm not that compliterate so ask specific questions in a reply and I'll try and answer them.
Now the browser crashes when
Now the browser crashes when I read my e-mail. better solve this problem please!
The browser and then Tor
The browser and then Tor automatically close when clicking an area where a plugin is blocked
visit and
visit and play a flash video. clicking on the controls crashes/exits torbrowser.
Getting following error when
Getting following error when trying to open new TBB (Mac user):
"TorBrowser_en_US" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash.
Tried downloading several times with the same error. Tried downloading both the 64 bit and no 64 bit versions with same error.
I have been participating in
I have been participating in the Tor relay.
send: 1100MB,. Rece: 400MB.
please add leetkey to
please add leetkey to firefox. its easy to encrypt aes and 3des on web page, coment etc.
I am having a problem with
I am having a problem with the latest release. This appears to be specific to web sites. As soon as I click (left, right, shift, control-click) anyplace on a blog page, Firefox (the FF-ESR version running by Vidalia-TOR) totally crashes and disappears. All of the open FF-ESR windows and tabs disappear and Vidalia automatically shuts down. Many other websites still work properly: google, yahoo, etc.
I can hover over links and see their URLs in the bottom of the window; click and crash. Left-click, right-click, ... doesn't matter. I can hover over blank "background" and as soon as I click on it -- poof! -- the browser disappears.
I always download and use the latest version. I recently updated to 2.2.39-3. Previous versions were fine.
Thank you.
Are you connected to the Tor
Are you connected to the Tor network... NO! Tor is a scam set up by gov't cheese eaters to snare those involved in highly illegal activity concerning cyberspace. If you're using Tor, you've set yourself up to fail. The fact that Tor is touted as such to be used for legitimate business is laughable, lol, as anyone who's used Tor can tell you the system is SO SLOW and SO INCONSISTENT that its virtually impossible to depend upon it for any legitimate business purposes. Think about it.
I posted a comment a few
I posted a comment a few days ago but it didn't show up, maybe you are busy, but here is an update:
Tor Browser Bundle (2.2.39-3) for Windows keeps crashing, the 1st run worked for a couple of hours before it closed, next time it worked for about 20 minutes before it disappeared on me again as if someone had just closed it.
I gave up on it in the end as it just crashes to much, often within minutes of opening it, I have gone back to using version 2.2.39-1 as I have not noticed any problems with it.
Running on Win XP, or was.
No other Add-ons were installed apart from those that came preinstalled.
The only changes that I made were setting bookmark backups to 0 via about:config / browser.bookmarks.max_backups
setting "browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab" value to FALSE to display the close button on the last tab
disabling Tor updates during tor usage via the Tor button and setting Firefox Add-ons to manual update.
I'd be glad to get a browser
I'd be glad to get a browser that just need the latest security updates being downloaded and NOT the complete bundle once a bug have been fixed.