Tor Browser 6.0a4-hardened is released

A new hardened Tor Browser release is available. It can be found in the 6.0a4-hardened distribution directory and on the download page for hardened builds.
This release updates firefox to 38.7.1. Mozilla decided to disable the Graphite library in this release and we are taking the same action: irrespective of the security slider settings the Graphite library won't be used for rendering fonts in Tor Browser 6.0a4-hardened. The Graphite font rendering library was already disabled for users on the security level "High" or "Medium-High".
Note: There is no incremental update from 6.0a3-hardened available due to bug 17858. The internal updater should work, though, doing a complete update.
Here is the complete changelog since 6.0a3-hardened:
Tor Browser 6.0a4-hardened -- March 18 2016
Please note that the comment area below has been archived.
I've had this problem for
I've had this problem for several months now, where I can't watch embedded twitter videos on websites anymore, even with NoScript turned off and security level at the lowest setting.
Are you sure it's a problem
Are you sure it's a problem with the browser? Twitter might have blocked their servers from serving video to Tor exit nodes.
Tor isn't for bogging down
Tor isn't for bogging down the bandwidth watching Twitter videos. Really!
Thanks for helping us
Thanks for helping us protect ourselves a bit better from those who are convinced that it's their God-given right to violate our civil liberties.
Google Translate:
I hope you develop the TOR router MAC address cloning feature to achieve better anonymity.
Google Translate:
MAC address spoofing function, but very useful for anonymous users.
Tails has some MAC address
Tails has some MAC address spoofing features:…
Google Translate:
Integrated into the TOR which is more convenient, I think any TOR users do not want to expose his true identity.
This is difficult to
This is difficult to integrate this into Tor directly. This is something that should be done at the operating system level.
I understand
I understand
My friend uses obs4 and has
My friend uses obs4 and has one server then an exit server.
All of the country ids are in a UKUSA agreement country or a third party country except occasionally in russia but never without being in a UKUSA country also.
UKUSA country and third party countries UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Canada, France and Demark.
My friend is concerned that the tor relay and traffic us being compromised?
why hasn't my post come up
why hasn't my post come up on the blog page re UKUSA?
Technitium Mac Address
Technitium Mac Address Changer is a free, extremely easy to use software at an operating system level.
the above suggested software allows any wired or wireless port to have it's mac address changed to a random one chosen out of hundreds of thousands of bona fide mac addresses in the database. there are no doubt many such softwares all offering the same potential
however RE your original concern, it is my understanding that a mac address is only known on the local network (eg , at a public wi fi spot your computer can be identified out of all the users) but the mac address is never known to the server hosting your internet or the web pages your visit. I believe thus (please correct me if I'm wrong) that mac address is only a reasonably superficial level of vulnerability
however if the 'powers that be' know your computer or device belongs to 'you ', then they know your mac address = ' you '
So this may have ramifications in a court if they need to prove a link
many more experienced viewers may wish to correct me
Last Tails version that
Last Tails version that spoofed MAC addresses for me was Tails 1.8.2. Starting with Tails 2.0, message appears that my network card is disconnected and I have to unselect 'Enable MAC addrssing spoofing' to connect to the internet.
Your little Tor Project
Your little Tor Project amounts to extortion. I am going to track you cunts down and rip your fucking heads off.
I'm not sure what you are
I'm not sure what you are talking about. We don't do any extortion.
Is your computer infected by some ransomware software such as CryptoLocker maybe?
Where can we get PHP Tor for
Where can we get PHP Tor for server for anonimizer?
I don't understand your
I don't understand your question. Are you asking how to setup a PHP website as an onion service?
If you are setting up an onion service, this page can help:…
I need exit node personal
I need exit node personal for me from this server with the Tor.
what is the VPN to use on
what is the VPN to use on TOR.? and what is the best way to set up TOR so it is at the best levels of anonymity for use on the "Dark_Web"
For Russians
i like your hard work but i
i like your hard work
but i am also very upset by your meaningless Captchas
even when i open a saved/bookmarked link in TOR it still appears , and not only single CAPTCHA fucking series of them
please don't say that this is for safety ... it,s insane having too many
These are not our CAPTCHAs
These are not our CAPTCHAs but Cloudflare's. We are working with them to make it easier for Tor users to access websites.
Would it be possible to move
Would it be possible to move the "Get new Tor circuit for this site" menu option to its own button? It'd make blocking bypass so much easier. (Even better would be if, once clicked, it detected the cloudflare or other common blocking service header/title and automatically kept trying to get new circuits for some amount of tries or the actual page loads.) I can only click-scroll-click so many times until I just give up.
The proof of work solution sounds ridiculous, imo. What's to stop a botmaster from just ripping it out of the tor browser code and popping it in it's bot? (Run out of tokens? Then make a new "browser".) Also, yes, let's place more processor/energy burden on people who are only trying to protect their anonymity. When everything already goes more slowly through tor...…
Cloudflare is malware
Cloudflare is malware parading as securing software. The most worthless garbage ever developed.
"Make Mosaddegh and
"Make Mosaddegh and MaBishomarim available on port 80 and 443 " what is this?
Is it just me or is there a
Is it just me or is there a vulnerability to code distribution if this website goes dark or DDS attack.
Would a crypto file in Tor be consulted for updates or ip for site recovery if primary routes become "unreachable"?
would an alert popup "primary ip for update not resolving"
relaunhcing tor to firewalled backup node.
I can't run this on Gentoo
I can't run this on Gentoo Hardened. Are there any external dependencies I need to have already installed?
Pls can I use tor to vote on
Pls can I use tor to vote on online contest more than once?
What's the deal with these
What's the deal with these experimental browsers? I check for update, still on the 5.4 (or something) but then i see this 6.0 for windows? Could some1 please explain