Tor help desk expands with four more languages

When we first launched the Tor help desk back in November 2011, we provided support in English and Farsi. We recently expanded the help desk with four more languages: Arabic, French, Mandarin, and Spanish. The help desk is a best effort service with no guarantees, but we generally respond within 48 hours.
For support in English, email For other languages, try: for Arabic for Spanish for Farsi for French for Mandarin
Please note that the comment area below has been archived.
Y u no add Turkish?
Y u no add Turkish?
I'm not sure there's such a
I'm not sure there's such a high demand for support in Turkish.
Not a lot of people are
Not a lot of people are aware of Tor in Turkey, where only 17% speaks English. In short: if you build it, they will come :)
Thank you so much
Thank you so much
is there a site where you
is there a site where you can ask some basic questions about tor a blog I guess?
There will be with the
There will be with the revolution.
Updating TOR from 6.5 to 7…
Updating TOR from 6.5 to 7 on Debian breaks it and it cannot connect, not directly like 6.5 was, not obfs and not with bridges. It gives an error of cannot connect to 198.CCC.ccc.ccc:443 an IP which I am sure it thinks is the router's but is not. Next to it on Mint, Tor is updated and works as usual connected to the same router and with the same settings.
You are commenting on a very…
You are commenting on a very old blog post and chances are high that causal blog readers are missing your question here. Does this happen every time you start Tor Browser? Does it happen with a clean, new Tor Browser from our download page as well?