Transparency, Openness, and Our 2020 Financials

by alsmith | July 9, 2021

Every year, the Tor Project completes a Form 990 and independent audit of our financial statements. After completing standard audits for 2019-2020, our federal tax filings and audit are both available. We upload all of our tax documents and publish a blog post about these documents in order to be transparent.

Announcing Arti, a pure-Rust Tor implementation

by nickm | July 8, 2021


Today I'm happy to announce a new era in Tor implementation.

Over the past year or so, we've been working on "Arti", a project to rewrite Tor in Rust. Thanks to funding from Zcash Open Major Grants (ZOMG), we can finally put the Arti project up in our priorities list, and devote more time to it.

Below I'll talk about why we're doing this project, what it means for Tor users and operators, where it's going in the future, and how people can help.