Posts in category circumvention

OONI Run: Let's fight internet censorship together!

by agrabeli | September 27, 2017

Today, the Tor Project’s Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) team released OONI Run, a website linked to an exciting new OONI Probe mobile app feature that enables you to engage your friends (and the world) to run censorship measurement tests and monitor the blocking of your website around the world.

Measuring Internet Censorship in Cuba's ParkNets

by agrabeli | August 28, 2017

This post is part of a series that highlights OONI reports which examine internet censorship in various countries around the world. Last May, the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) team visited Cuba. We ran a variety of network measurement tests in Havana, Santa Clara, and Santiago de Cuba with the aim of measuring internet censorship.