Posts in category releases

New Release: Tor

by nickm | September 21, 2018

Tor fixes several bugs in, including one that made Tor think it had run out of sockets. Anybody running a relay or an onion service on should upgrade.

New release: Tor

by nickm | September 18, 2018

There's a new alpha release available for download. If you build Tor from source, you can download the source code for from the usual place on the website. Packages should be available over the coming weeks, with a new alpha Tor Browser release some time this week.

Remember, this is an alpha release: you should only run this if you'd like to find and report more bugs than usual.

Tor is the first release of the 0.3.5.x series. It adds client authorization for modern (v3) onion services, improves bootstrap reporting, begins reorganizing Tor's codebase, adds optional support for NSS in place of OpenSSL, and much more.

Changes in version - 2018-09-18

  • Major features (onion services, UI change):
    • For a newly created onion service, the default version is now 3. Tor still supports existing version 2 services, but the operator now needs to set "HiddenServiceVersion 2" in order to create a new version 2 service. For existing services, Tor now learns the version by reading the key file. Closes ticket 27215.
  • Major features (relay, UI change):
    • Relays no longer run as exits by default. If the "ExitRelay" option is auto (or unset), and no exit policy is specified with ExitPolicy or ReducedExitPolicy, we now treat ExitRelay as 0. Previously in this case, we allowed exit traffic and logged a warning message. Closes ticket 21530. Patch by Neel Chauhan.
    • Tor now validates that the ContactInfo config option is valid UTF- 8 when parsing torrc. Closes ticket 27428.


New Alpha Release: Tor Browser for Android

by sysrqb | September 7, 2018

There’s never been an official Tor Browser on mobile. Until now.

Introducing Tor Browser for Android (alpha), the mobile browser with the highest privacy protections ever available and on par with Tor Browser for desktop. The stable release is slated for early 2019.

New Release: Tor

by nickm | August 8, 2018

There's a new alpha release available for download. If you build Tor from source, you can download the source code for Tor from the download page on the website. Packages should be available over the coming weeks, with a new alpha Tor Browser release by some time next month.

Remember, this is an alpha release: you should only run this if you'd like to find and report more bugs than usual.

Tor fixes several small compilation, portability, and correctness issues in previous versions of Tor. This version is a release candidate: if no serious bugs are found, we expect that the stable 0.3.4 release will be (almost) the same as this release.

Changes in version - 2018-08-06

  • Major bugfixes (event scheduler):
    • When we enable a periodic event, schedule it in the event loop rather than running it immediately. Previously, we would re-run periodic events immediately in the middle of (for example) changing our options, with unpredictable effects. Fixes bug 27003; bugfix on
  • Minor features (compilation):
    • When building Tor, prefer to use Python 3 over Python 2, and more recent (contemplated) versions over older ones. Closes ticket 26372.


New Release: Tor

by nickm | June 26, 2018

There's a new alpha release available for download. If you build Tor from source, you can download the source code for from the usual place on the website. Packages should be available over the coming weeks, with a new alpha Tor Browser release over the coming weeks.

Tor is released!

by nickm | June 12, 2018

Hello, everyone!

We have a new stable release today. If you build Tor from source, you can
download the source code for on the website.  Packages
should be available within the next several weeks, with a new Tor Browser over the next several weeks.


Tor backports several changes from the 0.3.4.x series, including fixes for bugs affecting compatibility and stability.

Changes in version - 2018-06-12

  • Directory authority changes:
    • Add an IPv6 address for the "dannenberg" directory authority. Closes ticket 26343.
  • Minor features (geoip):
    • Update geoip and geoip6 to the June 7 2018 Maxmind GeoLite2 Country database. Closes ticket 26351.